My Daughter's Blog

Isnin, 28 Februari 2011

Sembang walet swiftlets 32-Penggunaan perancah dalam pembinaan RBW

Perancah adalah scaffold. selama ni i dengar perencah. issh.

Gambar diatas menunjukkan sistem perancah digunakan untuk pembinaan RBW. Penggunaan sebegini mungkin menunjukkan yang mereka sedang hendak mengangkat bata serta kemudiannya memelaster dinding luar bangunan RBW. Tentu banyak perancah hendak digunakan. Bayangkan kalau sewaan satu perancah adalah RM 5.00 sebulan, tentunya beratus sebulan pada ketika hendak memelaster dinding luar bangunan RBW. Adapun dengan memelaster dinding luar, maka agar dinding tersebut lebih tutupan dinding dari lubang-lubang kecil yang boleh dimasuki binatang serta mencantikkan bangunan tersebut. Mustahak ke tidak keperluan memelaster adalah pilihan sendiri sahaja. Perancah juga boleh digunakan untuk sokongan kepada papan plywood ketika membuat lantai konkrit. Cara lain yang biasa digunakan ialah dengan menggunakan sokongan dari kayu. 

Apabila menggunakan perancah untuk menyokong beban, tentunya kita tertanya-tanya apa kemampuan perencah tersebut. Ada perlunya untuk perkara sebegina dirujuk kepada mereka yang pakar. Untuk pengetahuan, dibawah ini rajah menunjukkan kemampuan perancah dari sebuah kilang disungai siput(U). Gambar yang sama cuma teknik ambil gambar tidak betul. maaf. 

Juga maklum bahawa ada beberapa jenis perencah lain, yang maklumatnya tidak ditunjukkan disini.

Sembang walet swiftlets 31- Kalibrasi unit hygrometer

Kaliberasi hygrometer bergambar. 

keperluan perkakas dan barang:
 hygrometer yg nak d test
 plastik self sealing atau bag plastik dan getah gelang
 sa camca garam
 sa camca air

tuang air kedalam plastik yg mengandungi garam(eloknya direct ke garam agaknya)

model tfa dari german(buka2 baca spec tertera accuracy +-5%, sedih dibuatnya)

masin secukupnya

bacaan rh% masa nak mula

lepas 20 min

Lebih kurang 10 jam kemudian, bacaan dihygrometer  ialah  73%, jadinya semua bacaan kena tambah 2 % pasal patutnya rh% dalam udara garam basah 75%. Harus diingat ketepatan hygrometer ini ialah 5%+-.

Ahad, 27 Februari 2011

Sembang walet swiftlets 31- Kamera "remang-remang"

Kamera yang sesuai dipakai di kawasan remang-remang seperti tiger lane, lake garden, taib..., dan juga RBW. olympus xz-1 mempunyai kanta f1.8-2.5 yang terang. 

yg lain ni ciplak dari olympus web site.
 iklan depa. "

  • Outline
  • Specifications
  • Product View
  • Sample Images
  • Accessories


Excellent image quality in a compact camera

Features the i.ZUIKO DIGITAL F1.8-2.5 lens, the brightest in a compact camera. Even thought a compact lens, it achieves a high image quality to rival DSLR lenses. Additionally, it has a brightness of F2.5 even at full telephoto so you can take beautiful photos without blur when shooting without flash indoors or in lo light situation.

Excellent image quality

F1.8-2.5 4x i.ZUIKO DIGITAL Lens

With an aperture of F1.8-2.5, this is the brightest lens in a compact digital camera. The i.ZUIKO DIGITAL featured in the XZ-1 meets the same quality demands of ZUIKO DIGITAL lenses developed for DSLR cameras.
F1.8-2.5 4x i.ZUIKO DIGITAL Lens

Large, High-Sensitivity 1/1.63 inch. CCD Sensor

As the image pickup device, the camera uses a high-sensitivity 1.163 inch. CCD sensor achieving both high image quality and portability.
1/1.63 inch. CCD Sensor

TruePicV Image Processor

The camera features the same TruePic V image processor used by DSLR cameras. It offers superior image quality and expressivity by maximizing the performance of the high-resolution lens and powerful CCD sensor.
TruePicV Image Processor

Adaptable to a variety of needs

Advanced Shooting Functions

Manual, aperture-priority, shutter-priority and other manual shooting modes are available.
It also features a variety of automatic shooting functions, such as iAUTO, Low Light mode, scene modes and more.
Advanced Shooting Functions

Enrich your creative expression Art Filters *1

The camera features 6 types of Art Filters. It can also be applied to high-definition movies.
Art FiltersClose-up

Superior operability

Live Guide

The camera features the Live Guide function that builds upon the iAUTO mode and lets you add your own original touch in 3 simple steps. While checking the image with Live View, easily adjust the vividness, color, brightness and soft focus of the photo simply by moving the slide bar up and down.
Live GuideClose-up

Control Ring / Wheel Controller

Simply turn the control ring around the lens to easily adjust various setting like ISO, F number and shutter speed.
Combined with the wheel controller on the back of the camera, you can have direct and easy control of the creation of your images.
Wheel Controller

OLED Monitor

The OLED monitor lets you freely express a wide range of colors and contrast settings. Now you can enjoy the superior definition and imaging performance of the XZ-1 while shooting and also during playback.
OLED MoniterClose-up

Many Accessories for Fantastic Function Expandability

With a hot shoe and accessory port, the XZ-1 can match a wide variety of shooting scenes.
hot shoe and accessory port

Various functions

  • AF illuminator
  • Ultra-high-sensitivity ISO 3200 shooting
  • Fastest shutter speed 1/2000 sec.
  • Minimum Shooting distance of 1cm
  • Bracketing function
  • MF / MF Assistance
  • High-precision 324-segment metering system
  • Multi Aspect (4:3 ratio, 16:9 ratio, 6:6 ratio, 3:2 ratio)
  • Full Array of Automatic Functions (iAUTO & Face Detection & AF Tracking & SAT (Shadow Adjustment Technology))
  • e.Portrait
  • HDMI Output / Control*2"